Our Products
Business Cards - Flyers - Greeting Cards - Info Cards - Leaflets - Weddings - Envelpes

Business Cards
One of the most cost effective ways to present you and your company. Add a QR code so your contact details can be downloaded. SCAN ME - PLANT ME

Still the fravourite for promoting a product or service. Mailing options available to maximise your campaign

Greeting Cards
‘Happy Birthday’ or ‘Just my best friend’, be-spoke cards which can be planted. Grow some flowers in memory of the occasion

To the happiest days of our lives, be-spoke wedding invitations, order of service and other events. No better way to invite family and friends. Plant me after the event.
Some Of Our Customers

Why Choose Us
When the paper is being made a handful of seeds is thrown onto the pulp, which creates a unique look. Our printing methods are based upon years of experience and knowledge where the quality of our finished product is second to none.
Every batch of new stock, we always grow a sample and are proud to say, that every piece we have planted has grown. We have even planted them as late as September and have seen new green shoots appearing. The paper decomposes between 6 and 10 weeks and the plants will bloom again the following year.
We are proud to be registered with the UK Woodland Trust where we have helped to grow new trees. Last year the trust grew an amazing 424,638 new trees.

Client Testimonials